If @Luke Smith doesn't migrate over to OpenBSD now, then there's no hope for the future. Website: https://swindlesmccoop.xyz Contact: swindlesmccoop@waifu.club Git repos: https://github.com/swindlesmccoop or https://git.cbps.xyz/swindlesmccoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My OpenBSD ports: https://github.com/swindlesmccoop/openbsd-ports or https://git.cbps.xyz/swindlesmccoop/openbsd-ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For some reason, even if I allow all comments, some of them get filtered by YouTube anyways. But @cunningunz had a really funny comment that I wanted to share here: "@Swindles McCoop Also fun fact FreeBSD is just as cucked politically as linux, just read their CoC, jesus christ! Also don't quote me on this but i think they are also planning integrating soyrust into the OS" He has a Patrick Bateman profile picture as well. How fitting.